Kubernetes Consulting from HiFX

Upgrading Kubernetes v1.19.0 to v1.20.0 ? |Read this first!

Mohan Thomas
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readMar 1, 2021


Kubernetes, an open-source extensile platform used to manage the workloads and services that are containerized, is known for its service discovery, load balancing, automated mounting of storage system, automatic roll outs, and bin packing, self-healing and sensitive configuration management.

The version of the Kubernetes to be run on the control plane nodes and the worker nodes is to be known while creating a novel Kubernetes cluster using the Container Engine. Kubernetes version is generally represented as x.y.z where, x refers to a major release, y to a minor release, and z to a patch release. The latest minor release of Kubernetes, the third and final release of 2020 with patch support for approximately one year, is v1.20; and can be downloaded from kubernetes.tar.gz, kubernetes-src.tar.gz and GitHub. Furthermore, the release incorporates 44 enhancements out of which 11 have become stable, 15 are on the process of entering beta, and 16 are in the process of moving to alpha.

The Major Themes and Changes to Expect While Upgrading to v1.20

The major changes in v1.20 since v1.19 are listed below:

Deprecation or obsoleteness of Dockershim: The container runtime interface (CRI) for Docker, Dockershim, has been deprecated. However, the docker-produced images will carry on its work in your cluster maintaining the CRI compliant run-times. Moreover, it should be ensured that the worker nodes are employing a supported container runtime, as the support for Docker will be ceased in the future releases. The assistance of your service provider will assure the right upgrade planning and testing.

Handling of Exec Probe Timeout: The debug that impacts the existing pod definitions can be handled by setting the feature gate, ExecProbeTimeout, to false.

External authentication for client-go: The current cluster enables the client-go credential plugins via the KUBERNETES_EXEC_INFO environment variable.

Availability of CronJob controller v2 through the feature gate: The CronJob controller, using the informers instead of polling, is available in the alpha version in v1.20.

Easy setting of Process ID (PID) Limits: Graduation of the PID limits to general availability (GA) on the SupportNodePidsLimit as well as the SupportPodPidsLimit.

Default enablement of API Priority and Fairness (APF): This supports the kube-apiserver to classify the incoming requests by priority.

Re-implementation of IPv4/Ipv6 dual stack: Grounded on the user and community feedback, dual stack services are supported along with assignment of Ipv4 as well as Ipv6 service cluster IP addresses to a single source. In addition, the service to be shifted from a single to a dual IP stack and vice-versa is enabled.

Introduction of graceful node shutdown: The Alpha version mode of the GracefulNodeShutdown awakens the kubelet on the onset of any node system shutdowns, allowing the pods to gracefully terminate during a shutdown.

The predominant feature observed in v1.20 is the graduation of volume container storage interface (CSI) snapshots operations, that initiate steps to develops applications for Kubernetes, to general availability (GA). This ensures easy triggering and incorporation of stable operations on every Kubernetes environment as well as associated storage providers.

Another noteworthy attribute of v1.20 is the debut of two beta features enabling users and admins using Kubernetes to have adequate control on the permissions concerning the volume mounted within a pod. Further, this release includes the graduation of kubectl, that directly provides support for debugging workflows, to beta.

The new release incorporates the benefit of troubleshooting the following debugs:

Workloads that crash on startup: A copy of the pod, that utilizes a different command or image, can be created to troubleshoot the same.

Distroless containers: This can be resolved by appending a new container with debugging tools to a new copy of the pod. Nonetheless, it can also be performed using an ephemeral container.

Affected node: The troubleshoot on a node can be performed by the creation of a container with the host namespaces as well as having access to the host’s filesystem.

Further, the kubectl component holds a higher value than the kubectl plugin, ‘debug’. Thus, the users will need to replace the name of the debug plugin.

Other advancements in v1.20 include:

·Integration of Golang1.15.5

· Beta version of non-recursive volume ownership and permission

· Beta version of CSI driver policy for FSGroup

· An alpha feature for security improvement in CSI drivers

· Pod resource metrics

· Graduation of RuntimeClass and API types Defaults to stable

· Graduation of TokenRequest / TokenRequestProjection to GA

· Exclusive shipping of cloud controller manager by their respective cloud providers

The Systematic Order to Upgrade From v1.19 to v1.20

The following pre-requisites in terms of kube-apiserver, kube-controller manager, kube-scheduler, cloud-controller manager, kubelet and kube-proxy are to be ensured while upgrading to v1.20.


· The prevailing version of kube-apiserver instance should be v1.19 in a single-cluster instance.

· The kube-apiserver components in a high-availability (HA) cluster can be at v1.19 or v1.20 guaranteeing maximal skew of any one minor versions, i.e., within the HA clusters, while the latest kube-apiserver supported is v1.20, the oldest version must be v1.19.

· The kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler and cloud-controller manager components that communicate with the API server, must be at v1.19 ascertaining they are older than the existing API server version.

· The kubelet components must be maintained at v1.18 or v1.19, thus, ensuring that they are older than the existing API server version.

· Registered admission webhooks, such as ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration should be able to incorporate any new information or versions of the REST resources in v1.20.

After ensuring all of the above, the v1.19 of kube-apiserver can be upgraded to v1.20. The API change guidelines and API deprecation project policies demand that the kube-apiserver must not consider omitting any of the minor versions, be it in single-cluster components.

Kube-controller manager, kube-scheduler, cloud-controller manager

· The upgrade of kube-apiserver to v1.20 must be ascertained before perceiving the upgrade of the kube-controller manager, kube-scheduler, and cloud-controller manager.


· Similar to the above pre-requisite the kube-apiserver components must be upgraded to v1.20 prior to upgrading the kubelet component to v1.20.

· Moreover, drain of pods from the node should not be forgotten while executing the upgrade of the kubelet component.

CAUTION: It is not recommended to have a kubelet version two versions lesser than that of kube-apiserver.


There are three pre-requisites to be considered while considering the upgrade of kube-proxy.

· The version of kube-proxy must be similar to that of the kubelet version on a node.

· The version of kube-proxy must not be higher than the kube-apiserver component.

· Furthermore, the least allowed version of kube-proxy must be two versions lesser than that of kube-apiserver.

NOTE: The presence of version skew within the kube-apiserver components restricts the usage of kubelet, kube-controller manager, kube scheduler, cloud-controller manager and kubectl components.

Notably, the kubectl version is supported by the kube-apiserver version which is one version higher or one version lower than the prevailing version, i.e., if the version of the kube-apiserver is v1.20, kubectl is supported by v1.21, v1.20 and v1.19.

Prevalent Drawbacks of v1.20

Absence of accelerator metrics (AcceleratorStats) in Summary API within kubelet.

Though, the changes seem a bit confusing, extended interaction with Kubernetes will ensure easiness in the long run.


The depreciation of Dockershim is a factor to be considered, in the long run as support for Docker will be ceased, its better to begin the planning for an upgrade.

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At HiFX, we understand the pain of owning an enormous amount of disparate data without any actionable insights.

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Mohan Thomas
Nerd For Tech

Mohan is the co-founder and director of engineering at HiFX, helping organizations leverage the power of cloud and big data analytics.